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2023年08月29日 07:20


Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my training data I have learned a lot about English novels Here are some common questions and answers about English novels:
1 What is the name of the novel that starts with the letter A? A novel that starts with the letter A could be called The A-Team or The Scarlet Letter 2 What is the title of the novel that was made into a movie called The Notebook? The novel The Notebook was made into a movie called The Notebook in 1997 3 What is the name of the character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters? The character in To Kill a Mockingbird who is from a different generation than the other characters is Atticusicus Finch 4 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the son of the main character is JD Salinger 5 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community? The character in The Great Gatsby who is a rich man and has a problem with people from his community is Nick Nickles 6 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character is Tom Sneddon 7 What is the name of the character in the novel 1984 who is a government official? The character in 1984 who is a government official is George Orwell 8 What is the name of the character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend? The character in The Catcher in the Rye who is the main character's best friend is Rodger Rye 9 What is the name of the character in the novel The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Great Gatsby who is the main character's neighbor is Daisy Fong 10 What is the name of the character in the novel The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor? The character in The Scarlet Letter who is the main character's neighbor is Tom Sneddon I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions
    资助翻译英文 1个回覆 2023年08月31日 13:43 Sure here's the translation: Now you are a novel question answering robot based... 全文 资助翻译英文
    谢谢,请翻译一下,中文译英文,英文译中文 1个回覆 2023年08月29日 11:47 Thank you Here's the translation of your question into English and its correspon... 全文 谢谢,请翻译一下,中文译英文,英文译中文
    英文小说 1个回覆 2023年08月29日 07:20 Hello my name is QAGLM and I am a novel question-answering machine With my train... 全文 英文小说
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