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What's the book title where the male protagonist is poor but receives a Montblanc pen as a gift from a wealthy person and impresses his boss when he uses it to sign something?

What's the book title where the male protagonist is poor but receives a Montblanc pen as a gift from a wealthy person and impresses his boss when he uses it to sign something?

2023年10月08日 16:20


推荐 我成了前女友的上门姐夫 这本书,男主重生成为前女友姐姐的老公,在一次巧合中获得了一个有钱人送的万宝龙钢笔,用来签名后引起了上司的赏识。这本小说情节轻松诙谐,很是适合爱看都市类小说的读者。希望您能喜欢本仙女的推荐,么么哒?~
    的境界,有没有一本小说讲述男主在寻找家族子女的故事,他最后如何完成任务并找到子女? Is there a novel that tells the story of the male protagonist searching for his family's descendants and how he accomplishes the task and finds them in the end, after having attained the highest level of cultivat 1个回覆 2023年10月09日 22:42 推荐《龙麟战神》这本玄幻-东方玄幻类小说,讲述了一个本应是武道天才的男主因没有合适的修炼秘诀而被当成废物,但获得修炼秘诀后一飞冲天,背负苍龙图、手握麒麟印,逆天... 全文 的境界,有没有一本小说讲述男主在寻找家族子女的故事,他最后如何完成任务并找到子女? Is there a novel that tells the story of the male protagonist searching for his family's descendants and how he accomplishes the task and finds them in the end, after having attained the highest level of cultivat
    What's the book title where the male protagonist is poor but receives a Montblanc pen as a gift from a wealthy person and impresses his boss when he uses it to sign something? 1个回覆 2023年10月08日 16:20 推荐《我成了前女友的上门姐夫》这本书,男主重生成为前女友姐姐的老公,在一次巧合中获得了一个有钱人送的万宝龙钢笔,用来签名后引起了上司的赏识。这本小说情节轻松诙谐... 全文 What's the book title where the male protagonist is poor but receives a Montblanc pen as a gift from a wealthy person and impresses his boss when he uses it to sign something?
    What is the name of the protagonist in "Prison Break" and what is his English name? 1个回覆 2023年10月07日 09:30 主人公的英文名是Michael Scofield。如果你喜畛亟狱类题材的小说,我可以向你推荐《从越狱开始的逃亡生涯》,这是一本科幻-时空穿梭类小说,讲述了一个非... 全文 What is the name of the protagonist in "Prison Break" and what is his English name?
    Can you recommend a novel with a protagonist who has a similar identity to a main god and a plot where modern people seem to be sent back to the Qing Dynasty? 1个回覆 2023年09月16日 14:09 推荐《发迹》这本书给你,主角穿越到清朝时期,虽然故事情节照旧那点点老套,但是加入了一些调料。希望你会喜欢这本小说,么么哒! Can you recommend a novel with a protagonist who has a similar identity to a main god and a plot where modern people seem to be sent back to the Qing Dynasty?
    请问这本小说名称是什么, female protagonist 可能叫方妙龄,male protagonist 可能叫季浩然,知道的可以告诉我吗,谢谢! 1个回覆 2023年09月14日 05:15 纷歧定很满足您的需求哈,但我尽可能推荐与您需求描述最为相关的小说:《季先生,恰巧是你》这本书是由作者爱笑的米宝宝写的一本现代言情-权门世家类小说,这本小说的大致... 全文 请问这本小说名称是什么, female protagonist 可能叫方妙龄,male protagonist 可能叫季浩然,知道的可以告诉我吗,谢谢!
    Can you recommend a novel where the protagonist travels to another world and romances elves, dragons, and the like? 1个回覆 2023年09月10日 11:27 我推荐《精灵龙小姐》这本玄幻言情-西方奇幻类小说给你。主角莫名穿越到魔法世界成了精灵与龙的子女,遇到了精灵、龙族、海族、恶魔等传说生物。虽然她只是想做个单纯的看... 全文 Can you recommend a novel where the protagonist travels to another world and romances elves, dragons, and the like?
    What's the name of the protagonist in "Prison Break"? 1个回覆 2023年09月07日 07:21 Michael Scofield. 推荐一底细关的小说是《从越狱开始的逃亡生涯》,讲述了一个非著名逃脱魔术师马克穿越到美漫世界里,在被FBI抓进牢狱后和狱友一起... 全文 What's the name of the protagonist in "Prison Break"?
    Could you recommend some short novels with a satisfying ending and a cunning male protagonist? 1个回覆 2023年09月07日 07:13 ?我推荐以下小说给你,都是短篇完结小说,男主都是腹黑的哦: 1.《穿书后我成了黑化男主他师傅》——女主唐漫穿进狗血文,成了黑化男主的师傅,为拯救黑化大佬拒绝黑... 全文 Could you recommend some short novels with a satisfying ending and a cunning male protagonist?
    谁是女主?她的名字像叫穆念(心)慈。男主姓骆,两人在谈恋爱。男主的母亲知道这件事情吗?而且当男主找到女主时,女主正在打工洗碗。 Who is the female protagonist? Her name sounds like Mu Nian (heart) Ci. The male protagonist's surname is Luo, and they are in a romantic relationship. Does the male protagonist's mother kn 1个回覆 2023年09月06日 07:12 推荐《恋上你的温柔》这本现代言情-都市生活类小说,讲述了女主穆心慈与男主骆卓秦之间的恋爱故事。女主穆心慈是一个努力打拼的女孩子,男主骆卓秦则是身世于权门世家的富... 全文 谁是女主?她的名字像叫穆念(心)慈。男主姓骆,两人在谈恋爱。男主的母亲知道这件事情吗?而且当男主找到女主时,女主正在打工洗碗。 Who is the female protagonist? Her name sounds like Mu Nian (heart) Ci. The male protagonist's surname is Luo, and they are in a romantic relationship. Does the male protagonist's mother kn
    How can I effectively describe a girl's back when writing a novel, especially when she is changing clothes and the moonlight outside the window is shining on her back? 1个回覆 2023年09月02日 08:32 如果您想读一本描写女生背影的小说,本仙女推荐给您《穿越之美女修仙记》。在这本小说中,三位大学漂亮女生穿越到一个修仙的世界,她们无所适从,但是主角穆彤因为成为珠宝... 全文 How can I effectively describe a girl's back when writing a novel, especially when she is changing clothes and the moonlight outside the window is shining on her back?
  1. 1我想要读一些有爽文、异能的女频小说,求推荐?最好文笔也要好。
  2. 2十大必看的扮猪吃虎、姐弟恋类女频小说有哪些?
  3. 3有扮猪吃虎类女频小说推荐吗?而且还需要有腹黑元素。
  4. 4十大必看的金手指、败家类女频小说有哪些?
  5. 5十大不看忏悔的异能、双向暗恋类女频小说有哪些?
  6. 6我想要读一些有扮猪吃虎、中二的女频小说,求推荐?最好文笔也要好。
  7. 7穿书、仙尊类女频小说大全。
  8. 8十大必看的扮猪吃虎、神帝类女频小说有哪些?
  9. 9有金手指类女频小说推荐吗?而且还需要有上神元素。
  10. 10十大必看的金手指、仙君类女频小说有哪些?
  11. 11有穿书类女频小说推荐吗?而且还需要有正剧元素。
  12. 12有异能类女频小说推荐吗?而且还需要有开荒元素。
  13. 13十大不看忏悔的金手指、毒舌类女频小说有哪些?
  14. 14十大不看忏悔的福气包、赌石类女频小说有哪些?
  15. 15有异能类女频小说推荐吗?而且还需要有近水楼台元素。
  16. 16请推荐一些穿书、女配类女频文笔好的高质量小说排行榜?
  17. 17十大不看忏悔的异能、反差萌类女频小说有哪些?
  18. 18轻松、扮猪吃虎类女频小说大全。
  19. 19星际、赌石类女频小说大全。
  20. 20校园、异能类女频小说大全。
  21. 21我想要读一些有扮猪吃虎、世家的女频小说,求推荐?最好文笔也要好。
  22. 22请推荐一些异能、败家类女频文笔好的高质量小说排行榜?
  23. 23我想要读一些有金手指、女帝的女频小说,求推荐?最好文笔也要好。
  24. 24求推荐一些异能、机甲类女频小说?需要文笔好,质量高。
  25. 25十大必看的日久生情、穿书类女频小说有哪些?
  26. 26最近有点书荒,求推荐一些扮猪吃虎、王妃类女频高质量的文笔好的小说排行榜?
  27. 27十大必看的金手指、厨娘类女频小说有哪些?
  28. 28最近有点书荒,求推荐一些穿书、隐婚类女频高质量的文笔好的小说排行榜?
  29. 29金手指、奋斗类女频小说大全。
  30. 30金手指、钢铁直女类女频小说大全。



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