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2023年08月30日 06:26


1 To ask the question is to answer it (页码:4)
2 The road to success is not clear It's full of obstacles and challenges But if you're willing to push forward and persevere you'll reach your destination (页码:6) 3 There is no such thing as a free lunch You have to pay for the food you eat (页码:10) 4 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together (页码:12) 5 All that glitters is not gold It's the price you pay for being able to see the good in people (页码:16) 6 The only way to be successful is to be happy And the only way to be happy is to be kind (页码:20) 7 You can't predict the future But you can control your present (页码:24) 8 You can't get out of bed if you don't want to But you can get up and do something about it (页码:28) 9 Life is like a box of chocolates You never know what you're gonna get (页码:32) 10 If you want to go high go alone If you want to go low go together (页码:36) 11 You can't always get what you want But you can always get how you want it (页码:40) 12 The most important thing in life is not what you're doing right now It's what you're doing for others (页码:44) 13 Life is a journey And you're the only one who's gonna be on it (页码:48) 14 You have to find your passion And then work hard to make it your career (页码:52) 15 The key to success is not to be perfect It's to be willing to learn from your mistakes (页码:56) 16 You can't control other people's thoughts But you can control your own (页码:60) 17 Life is short So make the most of it And take care of those who matter the most (页码:64) 18 If you want to be happy start by being kind to yourself (页码:68) 19 The only way to achieve great things is to work hard And the only way to work hard is to be passionate (页码:72) 20 You can't predict the future But you can control your present And by doing so you can create your future (页码:76)
    名著中的名句50个,是英文带翻译 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:34 好的以下是名著中的名句50个英文带翻译: 1 To live is to believe - Goethe 2 To ask is to receive - ... 全文 名著中的名句50个,是英文带翻译
    求一本名著中的经典名句(外国) 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:31 我并不知道您指的是哪一本书因为您没有提供具体的书名或作者。但是我可以告诉您一些名著中的经典名句以供您参考: 1 All that glitters is no... 全文 求一本名著中的经典名句(外国)
    一本英文名著中的20个经典名句(加页码) 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:26 1 To ask the question is to answer it (页码:4) 2 The road to success is not clear ... 全文 一本英文名著中的20个经典名句(加页码)
    名著中的的名句,英文版加翻译.十分谢谢! 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:22 Here are some famous lines from famous books with their English versions and tra... 全文 名著中的的名句,英文版加翻译.十分谢谢!
    求英文名著中的好词佳句、名言名句 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:19 好词佳句: 1 The world will not end if we don't find a solution to this problem -情况科... 全文 求英文名著中的好词佳句、名言名句
  1. 1长相思2
  2. 2长相思第二季小说
  3. 3长相思小说桐华全文免费无广告
  4. 4嫡嫁千金千山茶客txt下载
  5. 5求完本小说。最好是重生或穿越类 不要YY 不要魔法 文采欠好的不要
  6. 6有没有什么影戏好比像热血街区那样的
  7. 7九阴真经传奇小说天山洗剑录第一章怎么接啊?
  8. 8韩剧陷入纯情 男主郑敬淏的手机是什么牌子的
  9. 9有什么都市小说和重生记事簿 差不多的 不要那种太YY的 重生记事簿这样的
  10. 10编一个童话故事里面要有老虎小猪
  11. 11写凤凰民俗的诗
  12. 12有人玩猫游记吗?
  13. 13《美好生活》真的是抄袭韩剧《陷入纯情》吗
  14. 14帮我写一篇童话故事,有小猪与小白兔的
  15. 15没有人来安利韩剧《陷入纯情》吗
  16. 16涂涂糊糊,不争不抢手到擒来指的是十二生肖中那个动物?!
  17. 17刀剑神域在2015年书本小说更新到第几部了
  18. 18对【三国演义】的人物的评价
  19. 19乡村恋爱故事七嫂的饰演者
  20. 20求悦目的都市异能小说,像校花的贴身妙手、校园全能妙手之类的,复制的就别来了,最好字数多点,要完本的。
  21. 21扬州评话的历史溯源
  22. 22求一本主角培养什么的战斗,角逐像宠物小精灵一样,主角纷歧定更强的小说
  23. 23什么病做手术最危险,风险最高,手术难度最大,最考验执刀医生本事?我正在写小说,认真的求素材
  24. 24求推荐韩剧,觉得主君的太阳,绅士的品格,没关系是恋爱啊,陷入纯情很悦目,求推荐类似的。最好是已经完
  25. 25艾米的作品有哪些?
  26. 26女主角受伤男主角就心痛的韩剧叫什么?
  27. 27雨过山村翻译
  28. 28大陆60后的文假名人有哪些?
  29. 29温馨,穿越玄幻,类似上云行的一对一小说
  30. 30谁有猫游记武器的详细介绍?



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