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卡牌之面具之王 江子逊 3895 2024-01-09 00:01:13

  1.In a TV interview after the election,the elected congresswoman(国会女议员) said repeatedly how grateful she was to all her supporters.

  2.More and more people now understand the importance of striking a balance between work and family.

  3.Lots of people enjoy cooking yet hate to wash up.

  4.In the plane crash over the weekend,the sole survivor was a baby traveling with its parents.

  5.More and more people are becoming increasingly aware that climate change affects every aspect of our lives.

  6.He used to enjoy going out to dine with friends,but he started spending more time with family after his wife gave birth to their baby daughter.

  7.It is a tradition of American universities to invite prominent people from various fields to deliver a speech at their commencement/graduation ceremony.

  8. Apart from occasional visits to local places of interest, such as art galleries, exhibitions and shopping centres, the old couple generally stayed at home.

  9. The elder gentleman looked over his shoulder before entering the building, making sure nobody was following him.

  10. The new product was developed in response to customer demand.

  11. The young man drank too much at the party and could barely remember anything when he found himself in the hospital next morning.

  12. Students should be encouraged to adopt different approaches to problems.

  13. Politicians always try to avoid expressing in public opinions that are considered extreme or unpopular,

  14.I love the job, and it's an added bonus that it's so close to home.

  15. It seemed that the employment opportunities available fell short of what people hoped for that year.

  16. As some of the issues surrounding climate change are very complex, it will take a long time for the international community to reach consensus.


  1.Very often countries around the world settle their disputes by discussion.(替换为negotiation)

  2.When the young lady took over the family business,one tip she got from her father was,make sure to fulfill every contract or promise.(替换为honor)

  3.Our national economy is entering a new stage of development,which calls for a series of policy adjustments.(替换为phase)

  4.A college experience provides you with the opportunities to make friends and to make friends and to keep the friendships.(替换为maintain)

  5.Whatever an expert says is always right in the opinion of the general public.(替换为in the eyes of)

  6.When the civil war broke out,people moved out of the country to find refuge,without taking along their possessions.(替换为leaving behind)

  7.Exercise always helps free me from tension and stress.(替换为relieve me of)

  8.Life is not a school assignment.There are lots of problems that you can’t solve all by yourself.(替换为work out)



  1. New measures have been introduced to ease traffic congestion in the city.

  2. Although she began as her brother's research assistant, she went on to pursue her own independent studies.

  3. The optimistic view is that college student enrollment is climbing and will continue to do so, only at a slower -than- anticipated rate.

  4. She's just relieved to have snagged 'á fairly secure job, and doesn't have to look at the want ads all day.

  5. Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their child receive nine years of compulsory education.

  6. The company had $2.1 billion in net cash at the end of last year,equal about 51% of its market value.

  7. Peter and Jane begin to feel more like roommates rather than a couple. It might be a sign that their marriage is heading for trouble.

  8. Instead of following the career path designed by his parents, he managed to carve out a successful photographic career for himself.

  9. In my view, Jeff must put aside his pride and apologize to his wife and children.

  10. If we served more soft drinks, there would be fewer hangovers and, above all, fewer drink driving accidents,

  11. He intends to prepare himself to make his way in the world by first getting a college degree.

  12. I hope that we can move things along and get the negotiations going again.

  13. Most emerging adults are very optimistic, believing that they have good chances of living “better than their parents did.“

  14. John drifted along aimlessly after graduating from college, saying that he wanted to figure out what he wanted to do with his life.

  15. At some colleges and universities, every student completes an internship to bridge the gap between academics and the working world.


  1.There’s no doubt that this is a market full of potential,but only if you have a strong desire for risk.(替换为an appetite)

  2.We thought the concert in the park would be popular but we didn’t expect so many people to turn up so early.(替换为anticipate)

  3.The research findings show that children normally feel a lot of worries about their first day at school.(替换成anxiety)

  4.I’m 25 years old and my mother still ends our conversations with“Make sure you send a message when you get home.”(替换为text)

  5.He said investigators were still trying to determine who the man was and couldn’t immediately provide details about the case.(替换成the man’s identity)

  6.The gunman in Wednesday’s attack has been recognized as Lee Giggs,an unemployed truck driver.(替换成identified)

  7.The motor retail business is now enjoying its strongest growth in five years,with its results going beyond market expectations.(替换成exceeding)

  8.Regardless of salaries starting at about f30,000,none of the children see a job in the steel works as a career choice.(替换成option)



  1.The annual report of the company is too brief. It fails to disclose information that investors expected to know.

  2.The parties of the lawsuit reached a settlement out of court. That saved them the trouble of going to trial.

  3. Food supplies in that region are inadequate and people there often go hungry.

  4.The lawyer said to his client:“Before starting the project, you must file an application with the Ministry of Construction for approval.’’

  5.Brian went to see Jane and asked the latter whether she remained optimistic about the negotiations.

  6. Do you recall, Mrs. Glavis, whether she screamed long, or whether it was brief?

  7. I slipped on the ice and got badly bruised, which made it hard for me even to stagger home.

  8. Her parents could not afford ,to send her to college. But they nevertheless brought her up with a healthy respect for books.

  9. The library was named after a famous journalist who was killed for reporting a money -laundering (洗钱)case.

  10.The powers of both the federal and state governments in the US are limited.

  11. Tom was accused of cheating in the exam, but he denied any wrongdoing.

  12.The company had a manufacturing site near the village, which flushed its waste directly into the river in violation of the environment protection law.

  13. It was Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence . one of the most important historic documents related to the founding of the United States.

  14.Politicians are people who often say what the public want to hear. It would be foolish to classify them according to what they say.

  15.I stumbled upon a precious book in a used- book store. It became an important source of reference for my thesis(论文).


  1.Go and talk to people who do not agree with you and see if you can persuade them into accepting your idea.(替换为reach out to)

  2.The candidate made no effort to hide his anxiety when waiting for the results of the election.(替换为conceal)

  3.By the end of last month,we were 10 days behind schedule.(替换为As of)

  4.The stolen car was given up and left on a roadside five miles from the parking space.(替换成was abandoned)

  5.The whole class,altogether 50 students,went to watch the football game.(替换为50 students in all)

  6.These chemical substances,because of their stability,are hard to get rid of.(替换成dispose of)

  7.Every family in this village hard a small piece of land to grow their own vegetables.(替换为plot)

  8.Public schools are not supposed to make money.(替换成not for profit)




  To be a grandparent is a big deal in China.


  Chinese grandparents are widely known for their devotion to the responsibilities of taking care of the third generation.


  This, however, is a primary cause of the conflict between parents and their adult children, for there exist apparent differences in aspects like lifestyle and parenting approaches between the two generations.


  You can expect parents to help you manage your household and take on childcare duties, thus relieving you of your burden as a parent, but you must know, very often, you have to leave your own parenting ideas behind .


  Meanwhile, the adult child simply can't take the kindness of his/her parents for granted. As your parents helped you out when you struggled to balance family and career, you are certainly expected to repay their kindness by taking care of them when they get old.



  Working from the interviews with 300 young people aged 18 to 29 in cities around the nation over five years, Professor Arnett proposed a new life stage he calls “ emerging adulthood.“


  He describes it as the time from the end of adolescence to the young adult holding a stable job, getting married and taking the responsibilities of parenthood.


  He identified several features typical of emerging adulthood,, such as identity explorations,instability,self-focus, feeling in between, and a sense of possibilities.


  Arnett's research shows that emerging adults want a lot out of life—— a job that is fascinating and personally fulfilling and a lasting relationship with a partner.



  One day, I was given the task of translating a document.


  It was a study of some chemical substances which I knew nothing about.


  At first I didn't think I could do it.


  But my professor encouraged me to take the job.


  Upon his recommendation, I purchased two dictionaries.


  Then, I hunted on the Internet for references.


  I didn't start the translation until after I became familiar with the subject.


  Thus, what seemed an impossible task at first became fairly easy in the end.


  Unit4 1.1

  1. New measures have been introduced to ease traffic congestion in the city.


  2.Although she began as her brother's research assistant, she went on to pursue her own independent studies.


  3. The optimistic view is that college student enrollment is climbing and will continue to do s0, only at a slower-than-anticipated rate.


  4. She's just relieved to have snagged a fairly secure job, and doesn't have to look at the want ads all day.


  5. Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their child receives nine years of compulsory education.


  6. The company had $2.1 billion in net cash at the end of last year, equal to about 51%of its market value.

  截至去年年底,该公司拥有 21亿的净现金,相当于其市值的 51%左右。

  7. Peter and Jane begin to feel more like roommates rather than a couple. It might be a sign that their marriage is heading for trouble.


  8. Instead of following the career path designed by his parents, he managed to carve out a successful photographic career for himself.


  9. In my view, Jeff must put aside his pride and apologize to his wife and children. 10.If we served more soft drinks, there would be fewer hangovers and, above all, fewer drink- driving accidents.


  11. He intends to prepare himself to make his way in the world by first getting a college degree.


  12.I hope that we can move things along and get the negotiations going again.


  13.Most emerging adults are very optimistic, believing that they have good chances of living “better than their parents did.“


  14. John drifted along aimlessly after graduating from college, saying that he wanted to figure out what he wanted to do with his life.


  15. At some colleges and universities, every student completes an internship to bridge the gap between academics and the working world.


  Unit6 1.1

  1.The annual report of the company is too brief. It fails to disclose information that investors expected to know.


  2.The parties of the lawsuit reached a settlement out of court. That saved them the trouble of going to trial.


  3.Food supplies in that region are inadequate and people there often go hungry.


  4.The lawyer said to his client:“Before starting the project, you must file an application with the Ministry of Construction for approval.“


  5.Brian went to see Jane and asked the latter whether she remained optimistic about the negotiations.


  6.Do you recall, Mrs.Glavis, whether she screamed long, or whether it was brief?


  7.I slipped on the ice and got badly bruised, which made it hard for me even to stagger home.


  8.Her parents could not afford to send her to college. But they nevertheless brought her up with a healthy respect for books.


  9.The library was named after a famous journalist who was killed for reporting a money- laundering case.


  10. The powers of both the federal and state governments in the US are limited.


  11.Tom was accused of cheating in the exam, but he denied any wrongdoing.


  12.The company had a manufacturing site near the village, which flushed its waste directly into the river in violation of the environment protection law.


  13. It was Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration of Independence, one of the most important historic documents related to the founding of the United States.


  14.Politicians are people who often say what the public want to hear. It would be foolish to classify them according to what they say.


  15.I stumbled upon a precious book in a used-book store. It became an important source of reference for my thesis.


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