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在医学院念书,有没有推荐的小说? Can you recommend a novel to me? I can't remember the names of the male and female protagonists, but the male protagonist's family are all doctors and his mother seems to be a gynecologist. They were childhood sweethearts and supposedly

在医学院念书,有没有推荐的小说? Can you recommend a novel to me? I can't remember the names of the male and female protagonists, but the male protagonist's family are all doctors and his mother seems to be a gynecologist. They were childhood sweethearts and supposedly

2023年09月10日 05:59


?我推荐 日记咖啡馆 给你。男主厉程峰是一名妇产科医生,和女主苏晴是青梅竹马,成了一对欢喜冤家。但因为女主的酒后驾驶,男主离开了人世。女主为了纪念男主,开了一家日记咖啡馆,在五年后似乎看到男主回来了,结果却是另一个男人。希望您能喜欢本仙女的推荐,么么哒?~
    Can you recommend some American novels for me to bring back? 1个回覆 2023年10月15日 16:26 ?,我推荐以下几本小说给你: - 《美漫从荒原开始》:一本科幻-时空穿梭类小说,主人公重生在美国西部,与种种神秘生物展开冒险故事。 - 《重生美国军火商》:... 全文 Can you recommend some American novels for me to bring back?
    Do you know a colony-building game set in a nautical theme that I can't remember the name of? 1个回覆 2023年10月15日 03:54 推荐你阅读《大航海模拟器:开局直视古神》,这本小说基于航海元素,主角穿越到一个海洋占据大部门国界的异世界,开启了大航海模拟器的冒险之旅,探索星辰大海,寻找宝藏,... 全文 Do you know a colony-building game set in a nautical theme that I can't remember the name of?
    孩子回来了,推荐一下类似的小说。 Can you recommend a novel with a similar storyline where the female protagonist goes to Europe after the male protagonist doesn't love her and returns five years later with her five-year-old genius child? 1个回覆 2023年10月08日 19:33 ?我推荐给你的是《萌宝归来:甜心妈咪要逆袭》,这是一本现代言情权门世家类的小说,女主因为男主不爱她而逃到欧洲,五年后带着五岁的萌宝华美回归,而男主也带着五岁的... 全文 孩子回来了,推荐一下类似的小说。 Can you recommend a novel with a similar storyline where the female protagonist goes to Europe after the male protagonist doesn't love her and returns five years later with her five-year-old genius child?
    Can you recommend a novel to me? 1个回覆 2023年09月16日 13:55 推荐以下几本小说: 1. 《影视世界之我不会武功》 2. 《韩娱之最强偶像》 3. 《木叶之一拳之威》 4. 《灵气苏醒:我家校花杀疯了!》 5. 《全方位理想... 全文 Can you recommend a novel to me?
    Can you recommend a novel with a protagonist who wields a bow and arrow, preferably with a high word count and completed series? Thank you. 1个回覆 2023年09月14日 06:18 嗨嗨,这位亲,我推荐以下两本小说给你,都是主人公武器为弓箭的完本小说哦! 1.《一箭破万法》。这是一本由作者没钱买酒写的武侠-武侠理想类小说,主人公在乱世中依... 全文 Can you recommend a novel with a protagonist who wields a bow and arrow, preferably with a high word count and completed series? Thank you.
    Can you recommend a novel where the protagonist travels to another world and romances elves, dragons, and the like? 1个回覆 2023年09月10日 11:27 我推荐《精灵龙小姐》这本玄幻言情-西方奇幻类小说给你。主角莫名穿越到魔法世界成了精灵与龙的子女,遇到了精灵、龙族、海族、恶魔等传说生物。虽然她只是想做个单纯的看... 全文 Can you recommend a novel where the protagonist travels to another world and romances elves, dragons, and the like?
    Could you recommend some short novels with a satisfying ending and a cunning male protagonist? 1个回覆 2023年09月07日 07:13 ?我推荐以下小说给你,都是短篇完结小说,男主都是腹黑的哦: 1.《穿书后我成了黑化男主他师傅》——女主唐漫穿进狗血文,成了黑化男主的师傅,为拯救黑化大佬拒绝黑... 全文 Could you recommend some short novels with a satisfying ending and a cunning male protagonist?
    Can you recommend a book for me? I remember reading a novel about time travel, but I can't remember the names of the main characters. The story involves a protagonist who has a sister. 1个回覆 2023年09月07日 05:24 纷歧定很满足您的需求哈,但我尽可能推荐与您需求描述最为相关的小说:《丑女奇遇人生》这本书是由作者古呆子写的一本古代言情-穿越奇情类小说,这本小说的大致情节介绍是... 全文 Can you recommend a book for me? I remember reading a novel about time travel, but I can't remember the names of the main characters. The story involves a protagonist who has a sister.
    Can you recommend a novel, preferably one with a tragic plot? 1个回覆 2023年09月06日 08:56 如果您想看虐文的话,我推荐您阅读《方先生余生请放手》和《穿书虐文女主杀疯了》。两本小说都是情节庞大,主角之间的矛盾和恋爱纠葛都很深刻,尤其是《方先生余生请放手》... 全文 Can you recommend a novel, preferably one with a tragic plot?
    Can you recommend a zombie apocalypse novel that starts with a detective taking a female cop named Lin Xi to a crime scene, and the female cop's brother is the protagonist, set in a university? 1个回覆 2023年09月01日 22:51 凭据提供的信息,我推荐《重生之万磁尸王》,这本书是一本丧尸末日小说,主角林锋也是从丧尸身份中重生,而且具有特殊能力。虽然没有提到刑警带女警去案发现场的情节,但可... 全文 Can you recommend a zombie apocalypse novel that starts with a detective taking a female cop named Lin Xi to a crime scene, and the female cop's brother is the protagonist, set in a university?
  1. 1长相思2
  2. 2长相思第二季小说
  3. 3长相思小说桐华全文免费无广告
  4. 4嫡嫁千金千山茶客txt下载
  5. 5你有没有推荐的校园言情小说?
  6. 6你了解哪些主角可以与动物进行交流的小说?
  7. 7是妖族,一个是仙族,可以推荐类似的小说吗?
  8. 8请推荐一本多年前的言情小说,我已经不记得书名了。
  9. 9你能否推荐一本小说,女主角一开始性格很软弱,之后被男主角伤害后性格变得越发坚强有力?
  10. 10女主在女尊一对一宠文中对奴隶皇子男主进行了痛爱吗?
  11. 11请推荐一些悦目的小说,不限类型。
  12. 12你有没有看过主角超帅,进场即无敌的小说推荐?
  13. 13这本小说叫什么名字,其中一个主角修成空间之神,另外两个两全划分修魔和修剑?
  14. 14有哪些修真类的小说推荐?
  15. 15推荐一本两个老朋友多年后重逢并相爱的言情小说,男主女主名字划分是什么?
  16. 16我推荐一本小说,女主似乎被一小我私家鱼男孩在船上救出并一起到海岛生活,男孩还会时常给女主弄鱼吃,女主与男孩之间的关系如何?
  17. 17你能推荐一些关于权门的悦目小说吗?
  18. 18有没有类似于特工之回到清朝的排挤军事小说的推荐?
  19. 19请问小南在火影忍者晓组织中的年龄是几多?
  20. 20小南在哪一集中脱下了晓的衣服?
  21. 21你能推荐一本星际机甲耽美小说吗?
  22. 22这部影戏讲的是什么故事?(主人公是美人鱼,最后和男主角一起生活在海里)
  23. 23请问有哪些修真小说是值得妙手推荐的?
  24. 24可以推荐一些悦目的异界玄幻小说吗?谢谢。
  25. 25你能否推荐一些漂亮的小说(不限类型)?
  26. 26晓成员是谁在火影同人中饰演主角?
  27. 27推荐一本关于一个主角养了一只很早的乌龟宠物,在一个网游中和这只乌龟鼎合体酿成了龟灵鼎的小说?
  28. 28你能否推荐一本小说,讲述的是女主和男配相爱,厥后女主嫁给男主但男主和男配却是敌人,最终男主杀死女主的故事?
  29. 29么小说?
  30. 30请推荐一些悦目的小说,类型不限。数量越多越好。



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