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2023年08月30日 06:30


1 It is not what goes on in one's mind that counts but what is done in the words that speak - Socrates
2 All that glitters is not gold - Heinlein 3 The mind is a good thing like a well thatchless and white and as easy to keep clean as a house - Mark Twain 4 There are no accidents in life There are only opportunities - Socrates 5 The future is a mystery to which we must give the right to answer - Martin Luther King Jr 6 A good beginning is half done - Socrates 7 The path to success is often a difficult one but it is one that must be made - Socrates 8 Life is a journey not a destination - Socrates 9 If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together - Socrates 10 The only way to be happy is to do what you love and be loved by those who love you - Socrates 11 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do not do what they should - Heinlein 12 If you want to make a friend be friendly - Socrates 13 The only way to learn is to teach - Socrates 14 If you want to know how high you can go just look down - Socrates 15 The most important thing in life is not success but failure After all if you don't learn from your mistakes you're not only toast but废物 - Socrates 16 To live is to think - Socrates 17 In the end it's the people you're with that make the difference - Socrates 18 The only way to get a man to understand something is to tell him - Socrates 19 The future is always uncertain but one thing is certain: We will never be able to predict how it will be - Heinlein 20 A good beginning is half done - Socrates 21 The only way to make a difference in the world is to be present - Socrates 22 To live a life of integrity is to be a man of great worth - Heinlein 23 In the end the only thing that matters is that you make it through the end - Socrates 24 If you can't stand on your own two feet you can't be a leader - Heinlein 25 The only way to truly learn is to teach - Socrates 26 If you want to know how high you can go just look down - Socrates 27 The most important thing in life is to live a life that is meaningful - Socrates 28 To achieve success you must first be willing to failure - Socrates 29 The only way to truly be happy is to live a life that is fulfilling - Socrates 30 The way to success is through failure - Socrates 31 The only way to be a good friend is to be a good friend - Socrates 32 The only way to make a difference in the world is to be present - Socrates 33 The world is a better place because of people like you - Socrates 34 To truly succeed you must always be looking for ways to improve - Heinlein 35 The only way to get ahead is to work hard and learn from your mistakes - Socrates 36 The only way to make a lasting impression is to make a first impression - Socrates 37 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 38 In the end it's not about what you can do for others but what you can do for yourself - Socrates 39 The only way to truly be happy is to be happy for others - Socrates 40 To truly know yourself you must first know your strengths - Socrates 41 The only way to get to the top is to work your way to the bottom - Heinlein 42 To truly succeed you must always be willing to learn - Socrates 43 The only way to make a difference in the world is to make a difference in one's own world - Heinlein 44 The most important thing in life is to have a positive attitude - Socrates 45 The only way to be successful is to be willing to failure - Socrates 46 The only way to be happy is to be happy - Socrates 47 The only way to be a good friend is to be a good friend - Socrates 48 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 49 The only way to get ahead is to work hard and learn from your mistakes - Socrates 50 The only way to truly be a good leader is to lead by example - Heinlein 51 In the end it's not about what you can do for others but what you can do for yourself - Socrates 52 The only way to make a difference in the world is to make a difference in one's own world - Heinlein 53 The only way to be a good friend is to be a good friend - Socrates 54 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 55 The only way to be successful is to be willing to failure - Socrates 56 The only way to truly know yourself is to be who you are and to be true to yourself - Socrates 57 The only way to make a difference in the world is to make a difference in one's own world - Heinlein 58 The only way to be happy is to be happy - Socrates 59 The only way to be a good friend is to be a good friend - Socrates 60 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 61 The only way to get ahead is to work hard and learn from your mistakes - Socrates 62 The only way to truly be a good leader is to lead by example - Heinlein 63 The only way to be a good leader is to make sure your people are well-rounded - Heinlein 64 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 65 The only way to be successful is to be willing to failure - Socrates 66 The only way to truly be happy is to be happy for others - Socrates 67 The only way to be a good friend is to be a good friend - Socrates 68 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 69 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 70 The only way to be successful is to be willing to failure - Socrates 71 The only way to make a difference in the world is to make a difference in one's own world - Heinlein 72 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 73 The only way to be a good leader is to make sure your people are well-rounded - Heinlein 74 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 75 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 76 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 77 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 78 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 79 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 80 The only way to be a good leader is to make sure your people are well-rounded - Heinlein 81 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 82 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 83 The only way to be a good leader is to be a good leader - Heinlein 84 The only way to be a
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    请各人帮我找一些英语的名著,名句,名篇。 1个回覆 2023年08月30日 06:38 虽然可以以下是一些英语名著、名句和名篇的推荐: 1 哈利·波特与魔法石 (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) ... 全文 请各人帮我找一些英语的名著,名句,名篇。
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  1. 1主角穿越用现代知识装逼的动漫
  2. 2想找一些男主腹黑,女主淡然智慧的文。。现代和穿越的都可以~~~~
  3. 3谁能帮我推荐几本超悦目的武侠或玄幻小说啊?
  4. 4一个科幻影戏,类似是在星际战舰上,一个女的把一个男的救出来,这男的好象只有一只手,但是很厉害
  5. 5求职业千术 ,懂的进,另有,那些上不了台面的请绕道
  6. 6书名忘了,类型是都市召唤的,主角能召唤路飞和轩辕剑,其他内容就不知道了,书叫什么名字啊,知道的请告
  7. 7网剧《推理条记》什么时候更新? 11.3上映的,目前8集
  8. 8有没有推理条记资源????
  9. 9快看漫画女主死了然后遇到了神然后活过来抨击以前的同学,那个叫什么来着?
  10. 10求精彩的穿越文,不要花痴型的,女穿男就免了吧,多多益善!
  11. 11求一部美国科幻影戏,我2012年就提问过,到现在都没找到!故事开头是男主角的女朋友被杀了,而男主
  12. 12女主叫水紫幽的小说
  13. 13达芬奇密码的结尾
  14. 14神探伽利略系列小说有哪几本
  15. 15孤苦之旅问题答案
  16. 16《唐人街探案》部署上线,邱泽搭档张钧甯,该剧另有何看点?
  17. 17彩云国物语的小说完结了么?
  18. 18《哈利波特与魔法石》这本书的第一章叫什么?这本书的第200页写到了第几章?
  19. 19侦探/推理小说中一般都用什么安息药?
  20. 20《最推理》里的经典企图,哪几个印象最深刻
  21. 21达芬奇密码小说内事件连续时间
  22. 22善良的死神的女主角叫什么名字
  23. 23同样是陈思诚监制,影版和剧版《唐人街探案》,到底有哪些关联和区别呢?
  24. 24忘了的小说! 求书名
  25. 25有什么悦目的剧场版动画片
  26. 26在京剧猫中有一集白糖擅自改了其他人的话像是哪一集?
  27. 27exo的小说目前正在连载中,女主角名为凌依言,男主角名为鹿晗,请问该小说名称为何?
  28. 28有没有悦目的探险小说?像《法老王之咒》一样类型的!!!!
  29. 29百炼成仙后面女主角怎么样了都?
  30. 30心理罪是许多故事照旧一个故事



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